One of the 9 films available in Successful Learners How does my brain work? What happens in my brain when Im learning? What stops my brain from learning? What can I do to develop a learning brain?
Read moreOne of the 9 films available in Successful Learners How does my brain work? What happens in my brain when Im learning? What stops my brain from learning? What can I do to develop a learning brain?
Read moreThe Sentis Brain Animation Series takes you on a tour of the brain through a series of short and sharp animations. The fifth in the series explains what is happening in our brains as we experience ... ITALIAN SUBTITLES (by Chiara Gorla) when we hear the...
Read moreView full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-the-food-you-eat-affects-your-brain-mia-nacamulli When it comes to what you bite, chew and swallow, your choices have a direct and long-lasting effect LISTENING COMPREHENSION EXERCISE 1) Our brain is made...
Read moreHOW YOUR BRAIN WORKS LISTENING COMPREHENSION 1) What does the brain resemble? It resembles a _______________________ 2) How much does it weigh? It weighs__________________________ 3) What is our brain mostly made up of? It is mostly made up of_______________...
Read moreDue anni di sperimentazione, studio, riflessione, confronto, condivisione. Due anni di Progetto BrainologyTM con i ragazzi di alcune Terze dell'Istituto Comprensivo Cesare Battisti - Scuola Aldo Moro di Ceriano Laghetto - (MB), alla scoperta della Mentalità...
Read moreOUR Brainology™ CLASS MOTTO Our Brainology™ Class Motto will always remind us of the Growth Mindset choices we can make when we are learning. We have written this motto to say how we will respond when we are facing challenges or things get tough.
Read moreOur "Break It Down" strategies When you cultivate a Growth Mindset you know that every problem can be broken into "do-able" chunks: create steps, action plans or priority lists... Here are some strategies to practice a Growth Mindset and "BREAK IT DO...
Read moreOur "Repeat and Review" strategies When you cultivate a Growth Mindset you enjoy practicing and see it as part of the process of getting good at something. You also know that only things that you repeat and practice over and over again make it to the...
Read moreOur strategies to "Actively Learn" When you cultivate a Growth Mindset you enjoy playing an active role in your learning process. Here are some strategies to practice a Growth Mindset and ACTIVELY LEARN.
Read moreOur "Information Search" strategies When you cultivate a Growth Mindset you ask a lot of questions of yourself and others and do a lot of INFORMATION SEARCH. Here are some strategies to practice a Growth Mindset and make sure that you understand.
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