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un film di Emanuele Crialese, 2007


  • Why does Salvatore Mancuso decide to leave Sicily?

A to get married

B to escape poverty

C to make a voyage

  • Is he travelling alone? If not, who is he travelling with?
  • Does Salvatore’s mum want to leave her home?
  • Why?

A because she is happy at home

B because she is ill

C because she is afraid of the sea voyage

  • Whom does Salvatore meet during this voyage?
  • Find three adjectives to define a third class voyage on a steamship.
  • Could women travel on their own?
  • Was life easy on Ellis Island?
  • Why does Miss Luce Reed want to marry Salvatore Mancuso?

A because she needs to be escorted by a man to leave Ellis Island

B because she is in love with him

C because she likes Italians

  • Can all the members of Mancuso family be admitted in the USA?
  • Why?

A because there are too many of them

B because Italians were not welcome

C because some of them were considered not “good enough” to enter the USA

  • What did immigrants expect to find in the USA?
  • Can you remember three images in the film representing these expectations of richness and abundance? Match the elements of the two columns.

Salvatore vegetables

Rain bathing in milk

Huge of coins

Tag(s) : #Culture, #Ellis Island, #Immigration
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