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Hi Guys!

Last Tuesday we finally entered Doctor Cerebrus Lab: we were looking for some answers to complete our Quest about BASIC BRAIN FUNCTIONS : “What is the brain for? What does it have to do with our lives? What does it look like? How is it put together?” (See Brainology®/1 post)

Here’s what we have discovered:

  1. The BRAIN needs certain things to work well:
  • about 8 hours of SLEEP every night
  • FOODS like eggs, nuts, fish, vegetables and fruit
  • some EXERCISE
  1. The BRAIN is the body’s control center and it is responsible for all of our VOLUNTARY and INVOLUNTARY movement
  2. It weighs about 1,5 kilos
  3. The BRAIN is divided into different areas.
  4. Each area gets information from different senses and is responsible for things:
  • FRONTAL LOBE is responsible for emotions, reasoning, movement, creativity, planning, problem solving, judgment and planning
  • PARIETAL LOBE controls the sense of touch, pain, taste, pressure and temperature
  • OCCIPITAL LOBE is responsible for vision and recognizing objects
  • TEMPORAL LOBE processes sound, language and memory
  1. Each sense is a different pathway to the brain: when we use more than one sense to learn, we use more of our brain.
  2. This leads to more effective learning and better memory
  3. For example, seeing a picture while hearing an explanation is an effective way to learn. That’s why multimedia devices, such as for example our digital book or the videos from our blog (www.ourenglishblog.over-blog.com), can be of great help to improve our skills in English.
  4. Multimedia devices provide two or more complementary modes of learning one single thing at a time (do you remember our Pancakes recipe video?). When we focus our attention, we increase our learning.
  5. On the contrary, playing music and watching a cartoon while reading or studying distract you and reduce your learning capacity: they are competing things through different senses

So, what can you do to help you concentrate and learn new information when you study?

Use the summary above to complete the “Check it!” handout. Good work!

For any further reference, please go to: https://www.mindsetworks.com/account/myresources.aspx

Tag(s) : #Growth Mindset, #Brainology™, #CLIL, #Mentalità di Crescita
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