The Sentis Brain Animation Series takes you on a tour of the brain through a series of short and sharp animations. The fifth in the series explains what is happening in our brains as we experience ... ITALIAN SUBTITLES (by Chiara Gorla) when we hear the...
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Brainology® WHEN YOU LEARN YOU LITERALLY BUILD UP YOUR BRAIN MAKING IT SMARTER AND STRONGER Emotions and Learning… That’s what we have explored during our last Brainology® classes. Here are some basic facts we’ve learned about: Negative...
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Brainology® WHEN YOU LEARN YOU LITERALLY BUILD UP YOUR BRAIN MAKING IT SMARTER AND STRONGER Hi Guys! Today we explored more deeply how emotions affect* our learning and we also did our “online” test: we passed it! We are now “Artisans”....
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Brainology® WHEN YOU LEARN YOU LITERALLY BUILD UP YOUR BRAIN MAKING IT SMARTER AND STRONGER Hello kids! Last Wednesday we visited Dr. Cerebrus’ lab again! We wanted to explore the relationship* between learning* and emotions. Actually,...
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